House set to vote on landmark $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill

Congress is gearing up to approve a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill.

According to The Associated Press, the House was expected to give final congressional approval to the package on Wednesday.

“It’s a remarkable, historic, transformative piece of legislation which goes a very long way to crushing the virus and solving our economic crisis,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., reportedly said Tuesday.

“For Biden and Democrats, the bill is essentially a canvas on which they’ve painted their core beliefs — that government programs can be a benefit, not a bane, to millions of people and that spending huge sums on such efforts can be a cure, not a curse,” The AP’s Alan Fram writes. “The measure so closely tracks Democrats’ priorities that several rank it with the top achievements of their careers, and despite their slender congressional majorities there was never real suspense over its fate.”

Fram explains that the measure provides “up to $1,400 direct payments to most Americans, extended emergency unemployment benefits and hundreds of billions for COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, schools, state and local governments and ailing industries from airlines to concert halls.”

In addition, Fram points out, there is aid for farmers of color and pension systems, and subsidies for consumers buying health insurance and states expanding Medicaid coverage for lower earners.

>>Read more here.