Video: Naked parent appears behind student in online classroom

Amid quarantine, teachers have reported across the country that parents are mistakenly appearing half-dressed, drinking or smoking during their kids' virtual classrooms, and in the case of the following student -- completely naked.

>>Warning: Censored content below.

In Boca Raton, Florida, instances like the one shown in the video above became so prevalent, teachers called for a board meeting to address the recurring issue.

Edith Pride was one of the first to make a public comment on the matter.

“Parents, please make sure that you have on proper clothing when you are walking behind your child’s computer, because we’ve seen them in their drawers, their bras, and everything else,” Pride said at the meeting, according to WPEC.

Pride noted that some parents had been seen holding cigarettes and possibly joints.

“Parents, when you are helping your children at their computer please do not appear with big joints in your hands and cigarettes. Those joints be as big as cigars. Oh yeah, we’ve seen it all,” Pride said.

Other teachers reached out to WPEC sharing similar experiences including seeing a shirtless father drinking before noon in the background of an online class.

>>Read more here.